Symbols for trademark filing and registration? | ScriptaLegal
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Frequently asked questions > Company > Intellectual property > What symbols can be added to a trademark to demonstrate to the public that it is filed and/or registered?

What symbols can be added to a trademark to demonstrate to the public that it is filed and/or registered?

The Trade-marks Act contains no requirement about the marking. However, the owners of trademarks often indicate that their trademark is registered by means of certain symbols, namely, an "R" inscribed in a circle "®" for "registered trademark", the letters "TM" in exponent for "trade-mark", the letters "SM" in exponent for "service mark", the letters "MD" in exponent for "registered trademark" or "MC" in exponent for "trademark".

Although the law does not require the use of these symbols, it is recommended to use it. The symbols "TM", "SM" or "MC" can be used but however, it does not mean that the trademark is registered. On the other hand, the "®" or the letters "MD" in exponent must be used only if the trademark is registered with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office.

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