Benefits of describing goods & services related to a trademark? | ScriptaLegal
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Frequently asked questions > Intellectual property > Trademark > What are the benefits of well describing the goods and services related to a trademark?

What are the benefits of well describing the goods and services related to a trademark?

A registered trademark will protect the goods and services described in the application for registration. Goods and services must be specifically described and defined in ordinary commercial terms.

As part of the amendments to the Trade-marks Act, Canada will require the use of the Nice classification system to categorize goods and services, an international system that groups goods into 34 classes and services into 11 classes for purposes of registering trademarks.

Although it is not yet mandatory, the use of the Nice classification system will make the process of registering and renewing your trademark more efficient. Also, if you wish to register your trademark in other countries, your goods and services would already be classified.

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