Issues with pre-1994 declaration of co-ownership? | ScriptaLegal
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Frequently asked questions > Co-ownership/Condominium > Divided co-ownership > What problems may occur with a declaration of co-ownership drafted before 1994?

What problems may occur with a declaration of co-ownership drafted before 1994?

The new Civil Code of Québec, which entered into force on January 1st, 1994, provides that the declarations of co-ownership must now be divided into three parts, namely the act constituting the co-ownership, the by-laws of the immovable and the description of the fractions.

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Unknown under the old Code, this new division of the text is not without consequences on the management of the co-ownership, since the implementation of the provisions of the declaration of co-ownership in one or other of these parts will determine the type of majority vote that is required at a meeting of co-owners to amend the provisions of the declaration of co-ownership. For example, an amendment to the act constituting the co-ownership in the declaration of co-ownership requires a larger number of votes than a amendment to the by-laws of the immovable.

Since declarations of co-ownership drafted before 1994 are subject to the provisions of the new Civil Code, the transitional rules of law provide that one should do a ranking exercise in one or other of these three parts when the time comes to interpret the provisions of the declaration of co-ownership according to the new Code. One can easily imagine the disputes that may then arise between the co-owners.

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